Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time is Flying by...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

  Another weekend has come and gone... back to work in the morning... didn't stop all weekend and still didn't accomplish everything I wanted to!.. gonna have to devote some every evening this week to finishing those wingback chairs... and the kitchen chairs... the goal is to have them all done before the Christmas party on the 17th... yikes!.. oh and some photos taken... then printed and framed up for that front room...  

We've got the Christmas shopping done for everyone that we have to mail presents to... and they're all wrapped!.. the house is decorated... the two wing pieces of the second wing back are sewn... the laundry is all done... a cake got baked... a Christopher's pound cake... and a few Christmas movies watched... 

Is it just me or does it seem like December is a week short this year?.. seems like its half over already... and there is still so much to do before its over!.. I really can't wait until Christmas though!.. I'm off of work the whole week after Christmas... ahhh... and my parents are here that whole week and the week before... I'm going to chill out that whole week!.. but until then we're going to be busy busy busy...

No pictures uploaded on my computer from the past couple of days of decorating... sorry... blog posts without pictures are boring I know... I'll have to make some time tomorrow evening to get a few more decoration shots up...

...and I just have to say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!.. her birthday is tomorrow... Monday December 6!..

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